Saturday, August 25, 2012

Premium Rush

So if my dates are correct, Premium Rush came out in theaters yesterday. Unfortunately, I could not go see it since I made my mom poor, unintentionally of course, so I wont be going anywhere for a while. But from the reviews I saw so far, its a decent movie, but could be better. I'm not going into much detail about this movie since I really want to watch the movie myself. Its definitely a different kind of action movie though since the guy is on a bicycle for I don't know how long. Please tell me if it's worth watching. Here is the trailer if anyone wants to watch it.



  1. This is unintentionally funny. I switched accounts.

    1. Funny? It was your own mistake that you made another account when you could have used your google one.....

    2. It is funny, you put lot of personal reference. -_- don't remind me.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. :P Computer troubles. Anyway, here's the original post:

    How do you have an action movie from a guy on a bicycle? Seems anticlimactic, but interesting. If I see it, I'll let you know what I think of it.

    P.s. I was so bored, I made my own blog.

    1. It's not that anti-climatic, that guy could be out-cycling cars and motorcycles and with no handed riding with 2 guns in his hands shooting backwards and taking out cops 2 by 2
