Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Apparition

Also, The Apparition came out yesterday too. Again, I have not seen it, and I probably never will. From what the reviews I have seen, it's not a good movie to watch. They say it isn't scary at all and really boring. They also said that the movie did not have a real direction it was going in. A person even said that in the film it explains that the movie is just like a copy of different horror movies. So basically, the reviews scared me away from watching the movie. Here is the trailer if you have never even heard of this movie until now, like me.

Premium Rush

So if my dates are correct, Premium Rush came out in theaters yesterday. Unfortunately, I could not go see it since I made my mom poor, unintentionally of course, so I wont be going anywhere for a while. But from the reviews I saw so far, its a decent movie, but could be better. I'm not going into much detail about this movie since I really want to watch the movie myself. Its definitely a different kind of action movie though since the guy is on a bicycle for I don't know how long. Please tell me if it's worth watching. Here is the trailer if anyone wants to watch it.


Thursday, August 23, 2012


Hello Everybody! I'm going to be introducing myself on this post, so don't expect anything too interesting yet. First off, my name is Amy, and I am currently in University High School, in Florida. I always like to see what movies are coming out, especially the action ones, and absolutely love watching the movies when they come out in theaters. The movies I really like are Hunger Games, all the Batman movies, 2012, and all three Narnia movies. Blame my brother for getting me obsessed with Batman, I personally think he kept on playing the movie when I was younger and it somehow got me obsessed. Anyways, I wanted to share the movies that I want to see or has already came out, besides sharing it with my mother who doesn't care. I hope you enjoy this blog.